We worked really hard this weekend to get these shelves up and my studio and the kids school room organized!!! I designed the shelves the way I wanted so my ribbon spools sit on them just perfect. I still have more ribbon but that was already organized. Now when I need to make a big order, I can order what I need instead of guessing (usually wrong) on my actual needs. all the little items are labeled and in their neat and tidy place. I also purchased a large yarn rack from a broad goods store that was moving and selling fixtures. It is PERFECT for my stash and some other things that are hard to store. We also tackled the furnace room which has been one of the things on hubby's to do list for years. All of that is organized as well for all my back stock that I didn't want cluttering up my studio. My son came down and with sheer joy shrieked, IT IS SO CLEAN, I can run now!! He has been subjected to my craft room as he and his sister are schooled with me each day and is obviously THRILLED that I have cleaned it up. Now, to put everything in its place and know what I have will be so easy!! I am EXHAUSTED, my neck hurts, my hands ache but tomorrow morning when we come down for me to work and the kids to school, it will feel SO SO GOOD. I can
You know, I almost wish I would have taken before pictures so you could have had a greater appreciation for this. From whence I came is not a pretty sight and one to which I hope I never return.
The best $50 I ever spent was for the rack from a big box store that held yarn. I brought it home and my oldest daughter and I worked to get all the stuff in it. It was a perfect solution to all those odd things that take up so much space when in boxes, it also made it easier for me to see what I have to work with. This is one that I could sit and look at for hours. Heck, the whole thing is that way, well, not so much the furnace room.
I love having all my favorite bible verses and the kids stuff mixed in, and the necklaces hanging makes it so much easier to see what I have. The wire shelf is one that I hung by myself years ago, needless to say, I was not worried about it being straight........drives hubby nuts. Then I used little s-hooks to hang all my necklaces up where I could see them.
Our kindergartner likes to change the pictures often so I get to look at something new every now and again. Also, I read the bible verses off the wall to them each day so they too can hide God's word in their hearts.
Everything labeled an in its place. Good night sweet supplies, sleep well. I cannot wait to work with you tomorrow.......
Now, if I migrate to the dark side again, please feel free to yank me back to reality and get things organized again
My dear sweet husband just came in and asked if I was able to get all my ribbon up on the shelves. I sighed and said, "Well...." he just laughed and gave me a kiss on the top of my head. Gotta love when they finally gain an understanding of your inner self.
Heavenly Father, thank you so much for blessing me with a man who is willing to grow in his understanding of me. I am blessed that his hard work is what affords me to shepherd our little one's hearts, minds and souls. Teach me to listen for your still small voice when I am working so to remember that all of the wonderful things I have are yours and would not be possible without you. I rejoice in your love and ask for strength to abide in it each and every moment that I am alive. Thank you so much for your precious son, Jesus, my savior, in whose name I pray, Amen
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