Thursday, April 7, 2011

Centering images on cover buttons New Tutorials and Badge Reels

Well, I have been writing some new tutorials and wanted to share one with everyone, it is such a simple dumb thing I cannot believe I didnt think of it before.  I love this as I can make my badge reels with anything I want on them, even a picture of a loved one or whatever someone might want.....

Anyway, here is the tutorial, I have the white badge reels for sale on my etsy

What you need:

* The cover button and kit to snap it together

* The image you are wanting to place on the button

* A piece of sheer interfacing (if desired)

* Double sided tape of your choice (any kind will work)

Cut the fabric around your image to the size needed for the size button you are wanting. General rule is about 2-2.5 inches LARGER than the image you are wanting in the center. In the materials and ideas section you will see some ideas about how to do this easily. Also make sure that you have a piece of light weight sew in interfacing that is just a bit larger than the button you want to cover. I use this so that the silver of the button does not show through the fabric. It is not completely necessary.

Take a piece of your double sided tape and stick it to the center of the button top as pictured. If your double sided take has a covering on the non-stickified side, remove it before the next step… I have checked with the FBI and there is not enough of my fingerprint there for you to steal my index finger technology on my computer…….I seriously washed my hands right before I started my pics and it is still there….sheesh

All Images & Instructions Property of Three Blessings Bowtique, Three Blessings Studios and Allison Foisset

Lay the piece of interfacing on top of the button and stick it to the double sided tape.

Trim the interfacing to be just a tiny bit larger if you wish. I do this so that there is less bulk to snap in to the button when I complete it as it is less likely to have wrinkles in the fabric on the finished button.

If you are NOT using interfacing as recommended, you will be sticking your image and centering it at this point as shown in the next few steps, just skip ahead if you wish. DO NOT TRIM THE FABRIC OF YOUR IMAGE IF YOU ARE NOT USING INTERFACING!!!

All Images & Instructions Property of Three Blessings Bowtique, Three Blessings Studios and Allison Foisset

After you have trimmed the interfacing (if you chose not to use interfacing, pretend the interfacing is not there) I place another piece of double sided tape so that it makes an X shape with the other piece of double sided tape.

SO HERE IS THE TAPE ON TOP OF THE INTERFACING (note, if you are not using the interfacing, you would have an X on top of the silver button top)

All Images & Instructions Property of Three Blessings Bowtique, Three Blessings Studios and Allison Foisset

Ok so now you are taking the picture you want in the center of the finished button and sticking the back side of the fabric on top of the double sided tape. So it looks like above. STICK IT DOWN HARD……..otherwise this whole tutorial is in vain as it will slip just like it did before. Make sure as you stick it that it is in the middle where you want it, you may have to gently life and restick it to get it centered but you will soon become an expert and get it stuck right the first time.

All Images & Instructions Property of Three Blessings Bowtique, Three Blessings Studios and Allison Foisset

Gently smoosh the face of the button in to the button kit as per the directions on the package and notice this is explained further in the appendix. Emphasis here on the gently as it is prone to slipping if you do this too fast and this is one place where slippage isn’t good.

Again, being gentle with the button, evenly fold over the extra fabric in to the center of button top, this is the part that will be hidden by the button back but still needs to be smooth. After I do this, I gently tug at the fabric to try to assure as many wrinkles are out as is possible.

All Images & Instructions Property of Three Blessings Bowtique, Three Blessings Studios and Allison Foisset

Again, following the directions on the package of the button kit, gently and slowly insert the button back in to the plastic kit. Try to make sure there is nothing slipping and sliding or wrinkling……sounds like a bad 50s song eh and I personally have plenty of wrinkles without adding more to my finished buttons?

I snap it down with my thumb, or sometimes a soft end of a pliers etc but most NORMAL folks use the pusher that comes with the kit. As per the instructions on the kit, you are snapping the back of the button to the front of the button to complete the covered button.

All Images & Instructions Property of Three Blessings Bowtique, Three Blessings Studios and Allison Foisset

Below is the order of your fabric and button kit order, remember, I am placing the interfacing and then the fabric on top of the shell then turning it all over into the holder. I also do not show using the pusher as I do it with my thumb.

Remove the button from the plastic pushing kit holder and voila, you have a perfectly centered covered button.

All Images & Instructions Property of Three Blessings Bowtique, Three Blessings Studios and Allison Foisset

I have removed the button eye on the back and glued mine to a badge reel and they sell very well for me. I remove the button eye from the back of the button back prior to putting the button together but lately have been buying many of my buttons flat backed because I am lazy. But you can do whatever you please with yours, when I first figured out how to get them in the center, I made a bunch and lined them up and admired them……..they look so purty!!!! The possibilities are endless with buttons that match whatever you want to do. This tutorial was made with an ironed on image and I will list materials so you can try that too. I do sell images and can make images for any sized button you are wanting, including images backward so you are able to have printed words or initials on them.

I use the flat backs for this and any other items I will glue them to, I use the eye (wire) backs if I am making pony-os or actually using the buttons as buttons. I have a tutorial on putting the buttons on the pony-os for sale if you need it.

Can I finally get my site going?

Ok, so I have been paying for my site and decided to finally update it. Still figuring out how to get it to be ecommerce but it is up and going and I like it......I like it a lot!!

come see me